Weekly Update 6

22 Jun 2020 - Richard Horridge

2020-06-22 Mon 18:19

Another week gone by and more adventures have been had! I spent the weekend in Somerset visiting Emmanuel which was really nice, and I also had the chance to meet up with Hannah and Will while I was in the West Country. It was almost like going on holiday, which in these strange times is a rare privilege.

I am back at it again this week with both Ph.D and NR work, along with editing the end of year video. As long as I plug away at it this week, I have high hopes that it will be finished if not at the end of the month, then a short way into July.

I hope to meet up with a few more people this week so it looks to be quite busy! I have a small barbeque planned for Wednesday and will need to get the grass and hedge cut for then.

A few things need to be accomplished this week:

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